Small Class information ‘covid’

We look forward to seeing you at Shambhala for your class
We kindly ask you to be aware of the following for your comfort and safety:

*Please sanitise your hands on entering the building.

*Please observe social distancing.

*Please bring your own mat where possible.

*Our lockers at this time are not in use.

*Our filtered water machine at this time is not in use.

*If you feel unwell or display symptoms please do not attend.

*Please do arrive with plenty of time as, at present, we do not have reception staff and the doors will be locked at the start of the class.

And most importantly… enjoy your class
Shambhala xx

Cleaning and Hygiene measures

WEEKLY: Our studio is deep cleaned 3 times a week.
DAILY: All surfaces are cleaned throughout the day with antibacterial spray and always after every class.
We ask you to wash your hands with soap and water before and after the class or use the hand gel provided at the studio.
Our landlord has also put into place cleaning procedures with regular cleaning of the communal areas and has provided gel dispensers throughout the building; you will find one of these for your use at the bottom of the stairs as you enter and leave.
We are at present not providing our filtered water so please bring your own.
We are at present not providing equipment such as blocks, blankets, bolsters etc.
We strongly recommend you bring your own yoga mat to class; we will have mats for you to use but will ask that you clean them will the antibacterial spray and wipes provided at the studio after the class.
We have a stock of new yoga/pilates mats at the studio if you would like to purchase one.You can purchase a mat via our website following this link and then collect your mat when you come to the studio:

We are at present not using our lockers so please bring with you the minimal amount of belongings you need and take them into the studio with you (shoes can still be left outside please).

We ask you to be mindful of others when entering and leaving the building to maintain social distancing.
You are most welcome to wear a mask to class.