Celebrate the Summer Solstice ~ with Carolyn Higgs

Surya Namaskar with bija mantras

Friday 21st June 2013. 7:00 – 8:30pm

This special Summer Solstice class is being run by our very own Shambhala teacher Carolyn Higgs.

The cost of this class is £9.

Class passes can be used however and members are not charged. Booking is essential to avoid disappointment.

Surya Namaskar – the Sun Salutations – comprises a series of twelve Yoga asanas performed in sequence and is a well-known practice in most Yoga classes. However, what is less well-known is that each of the asanas in the sequence has a specific drishti (a focus point which also aids in alignment) and a mantra (chant) associated with it. The full mantras describe various aspects of the sun and are chanted in the relevant posture as you move slowly through the sequence. When doing the postures more quickly, it is easier to chant the bija (seed) mantras. In this class, we will be exploring the sequence: the asanas, their drishti points and the bija mantras.


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