Family Yoga Classes

Family Yoga, one of our most popular classes, will be returning to Shambhala Studios in September 2011.

The classes will take place on Sunday from 10am to 11am with Caitlin Maskell and Jo Burns.

Classes are suitable for children and adults of all ages; babies through to grandparents are all welcome to come and practise Yoga together. You will practise breathing techniques, Yoga postures and each session will end with you relaxing together. These are beautifully supportive classes for you and your family. They will encourage good co-ordination and balance, help develop strength and flexibility and also promote feelings of calm and tranquillity. We look forward to meeting you and your family for these fun, friendly and relaxed classes.

family-yoga-classesWhen asked to explain the benefits of Family Yoga, Caitlin said:

The families loved practising together and being able to watch their children improve each week. Grown-ups also liked learning poses so that they could practise together at home.

I had many positive comments from parents who loved seeing their children relaxing at the end, snuggled under a blanket, with a squashy pillow and lavender eye mask. It is lovely to see children spend a few moments just doing nothing but enjoying feelings of peace.

Family Yoga can also become a special time for extended family to do something positive together. We used to have an aunt who would bring her nieces along regularly, they loved this special time together. Quite often there would be little ones posing in front of the mirrors, balancing on blocks or creeping up to their dads to peer under eye pillows during relaxation – but it’s all part of the fun of Family Yoga.

My Mum and Dad used to come along and I took my oldest daughter. They used to love watching her try and balance and copy the grown ups. She was only one at the time and it is such a special age to watch a child begin their Yoga journey. There aren’t many opportunities where families can all come together weekly and practise something which is fun and so beneficial in terms of health and well being. It is such a great way to introduce children to the wonderful benefits of Yoga.

I am extremely excited that Family Yoga is coming back to Shambhala Studios, I love teaching it as it is so varied and classes can just flow according to who comes along. I was pregnant with my youngest daughter when I was last teaching Family Yoga so she has not had the chance of fully enjoying a class. I am looking forward to both of my little girls being able to practise their Yoga together in a beautiful studio with other people who love Yoga.

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